“And the Lord said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light”
– Genesis 1:3
I am by no means a religious man, but in writing the first post for my new blog on photography, it felt an appropriate starting point. Photography is the physical process of capturing and storing light, the specific light of specific a place at an exact moment in time. But that is just the beginning, photography is of course so much more than that. It is an art and a medium. It helps us to see the world both physically and philosophically. It is a powerful means of communication that can evoke thoughts and emotions, it can incite riots and quell rebellions, and has been known to end more than just a few political careers. It can be many things to many different people.
For me, photography has helped me to become an active observer of the world around me. To see the extraordinary in the everyday life around us, as well as in the great and important moments along our journey. I am not a photojournalist, nor do I consider myself a great artist, but I do believe that I see the world in a unique way. Photography helps me to continue honing that vision, and importantly to share it with the world.
Great post!